Periodontal laser therapy is a fast, virtually painless approach to gum disease treatment. Using only a laser, the gums are treated to remove any diseased tissue. This procedure guarantees your comfort and allows you to recover from it easily.
From there, you will see the healing of the gums when the root surfaces are clean. Healthy tissue remains to rebuild and maintain the tissue surrounding the teeth. This treatment can be done in a single visit or multiple visits, depending on the severity of the periodontal disease.
More Benefits of Laser Gum Therapy
- Comfort: With laser gum therapy, there is less or no bleeding at all. This treatment also minimizes swelling, and is also performed without carbonization, or any noise or vibration.
- Lower Infection Risk: The laser's great energy beam acts as a sterilizer on the area it is working on, thus reducing the risk of bacterial infections and relapses.
- Limited or no use of anesthesia: Given the fact that laser dentistry is practically painless, you will no longer suffer from fear of injections and numbness. Often, only a light anesthetic spray is required. Laser treatment eliminates the complications and cost associated with anesthesia.
If you would like to know if you are a candidate for laser gum therapy, feel free to contact our dental office in Simi Valley at (805) 579-0600, our team of dental specialists will be more than happy to assist you.
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