Dental Veneers in Simi Valley
Are you considering how your dentist can help you feel better about your smile? If you've got stains that don't lift with whitening, an obvious gap, a cracked or chipped tooth, or your teeth simply don't fit well with your face, chances are you don't feel as confident as you would like. A consultation with your dentist, and discussion of veneers, may be just what you need to head in a beautiful new direction. The staff in our Simi Valley office is happy to schedule a convenient time for you to learn about your options for cosmetic dentistry.
Veneers: Who gets them?
You may know that a large majority of the celebrities you see on television and in movies have had dental work done; sometimes, a lot of work! Tom Cruise certainly didn't have a mega-watt smile in his early acting days, nor did Demi Moore, nor Miley Cyrus. These stars had help from a reputable cosmetic dentist. But does that mean that an average person who doesn't walk the Red Carpet isn't a good candidate for veneers? Not at all.
Veneer treatment is suitable for any adult who wants to feel better about their smile. Treatment is conducted over just two office visits, one to prepare and model teeth and one to seat the final veneers. At the end of the process, that gap or crack is covered; those chips or stains are out of sight. Veneers can even resize and reshape teeth so your smile perfectly complements your face (Celine Dion is a great example!).
Veneers: Why get them?
Patients of our Simi Valley office are treated with full porcelain veneers. There are several advantages to this material, including:
- Porcelain is stain-resistant! This is an outstanding aspect of care, especially for patients who choose this treatment to cover discoloration that failed to lift with professional teeth whitening.
- Porcelain veneers are durable. Most people have the idea that porcelain is somewhat fragile. This does not apply to dental porcelain, which is made with durability in mind. Yes, you have to take good care of your veneers. You don't want to attempt tearing a steak apart with your teeth! With proper use and care, these restorations can last decades.
- Treatment is streamlined. In under a month, you can have the smile you've always wanted.
- The look of porcelain matches the look of enamel. When your smile makeover is complete, all anyone will notice is how great you look (but they won't know why)!
Your dentist, your ideal image, and porcelain veneers can create magic in your smile. Call our Simi Valley office at (805) 579-0600 to learn more.
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